Top Performance

Provides the list of top performing schemes. Category, Period , Record count to customize the result

 Note - Data displayed in sample output is dummy.

Output Description

FieldData TypeDescription
SchemeNamevarcharO for open ended, C for closed ended
NavPricefloatNav Price
PeriodReturnfloatReturn % on this period
OneWeekfloatReturn % on this period
OneMonthfloatReturn % on this period
ThreeMonthfloatReturn % on this period
SixMonthfloatReturn % on this period
OneYearfloatReturn % on this period
ThreeYearfloatReturn % on this period
FiveYearfloatReturn % on this period
Inceptionfloatreturn since inception
TypeNamevarcharType of Mutual Fund
NavDateDateTimeNav Date
NavChangefloatChange In NAV
NavPercentageChangefloatNAV Percentage change
AUMCrfloatAsset Under Management in Cr
LaunchDateDateTimeLaunching date
MFSchemeCodeintCapital Market Scheme Code
SchemeClassCodevarcharscheme class name Present in schclass as vclass
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